January 15, 2018 by Snupit
Cleaning Materials

There are very few people who actually enjoy the process of cleaning. This is especially true if there are other time-consuming activities that need to get done. Nevertheless, the process of cleaning can be made a lot easier if you equip yourself with the most effective cleaning products and tools. If you have good cleaning products, the time that it takes to make your space clean and tidy will be minimized. Better yet, you might even find yourself enjoying the process of cleaning a lot more.

The following is list of must-have cleaning materials and tools that make cleaning your space a whole lot easier:

1.    A general grease cleaner

Grease cleaners are incredibly useful when it comes to cleaning stoves, countertops and other surfaces that tend to get greasy over time. It’s better to use a grease cleaner as opposed to a normal cleaner for these types of surfaces. This is because the grease comes off a lot faster and the surface is left much cleaner.

2.    A wood cleaner

If you have a home with lots of wooden pieces, it’s a good idea to have a wood cleaner. Wood has the potential to be ruined if you use any old cleaner. Wood cleaners prevent the wood from experiencing any water damage and they polish the wood at the same time.  For polishing wood furniture and keeping dust away longer from ceiling fans, vents and more.

3.    Bathroom cleaner

It’s important to have a bathroom cleaner in order to clean your bathroom effectively. Bathrooms are the spaces in our homes where we definitely don’t want germs to thrive. Therefore, bathroom cleaners are usually stronger. They are designed to kill the germs that we find on toilet seats or in the shower.

4.    Dishwashing liquid

Dishes need to be washed with dishwashing liquid. Dishwashing liquid is gentle enough to be used on items that we cook and eat with. On the other hand, it is strong enough to do a good job of cleaning your dishes.

5.    Baking soda

Baking soda seems like an odd item to add to your cleaning supplies. However, if you mix it with lemon juice it’s perfect for scrubbing down pretty much anything. It can also be sprinkled on the carpet before vacuuming it. This way any odours will be absorbed.

6.    A broom

You cannot go wrong with a broom. For centuries, they have done a good job of sweeping up dust and making the house look a whole lot better. Your cleaning supplies can never be truly complete without owning a broom.

7.    A mop

A mop is just as essential as a broom. If not, then it can be considered even more important than having a broom. You need to make sure that you have one so that you can clean up the house when its dirty and mop up spillage.

8.    A duster

Dusters are incredibly useful when it comes to the final touches of cleaning a house. Sometimes the home appears to be clean and tidy, however dust has gathered in strange corners. This usually happens when the house is left unattended for reasons such as a vacation.

Filed under : Cleaning Materials
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